82 research outputs found

    Fuzzy sets on 2D spaces for fineness representation

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    The analysis of the perceptual properties of texture plays a fundamental role in tasks like semantic description of images, content-based image retrieval using linguistic queries, or expert systems design based on low level visual features. In this paper, we propose a methodology to model texture properties by means of fuzzy sets defined on bidimensional spaces. In particular, we have focused our study on the fineness property that is considered as the most important feature for human visual interpretation. In our approach, pairwise combinations of fineness measures are used as a reference set, which allows to improve the ability to capture the presence of this property. To obtain the membership functions, we propose to learn the relationship between the computational values given by the measures and the human perception of fineness. The performance of each fuzzy set is analyzed and tested with the human assessments, allowing us to evaluate the goodness of each model and to identify the most suitable combination of measures for representing the fineness presence

    Adaptive Multidimensional Fuzzy Sets for Texture Modeling

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    The modeling of the perceptual properties of texture plays a fundamental role in tasks where some interaction with subjects is needed. In order to face the imprecision related to these properties, fuzzy sets defined on the domain of computational measures of the corresponding property are usually employed. In this sense, the most interesting approaches show that the combination of different measures as reference sets improve the texture characterization. However, the main drawback of these proposals is that they do not take into account the subjectivity associated with human perception. For example, the perception of a texture property may change depending on the user, and in addition, the image context may influence the global perception of a given property. In this paper, we propose to solve these problems by combining the use of several computational measures in a reference set with adaptation to the subjectivity of human perception. To do this, we propose a generic methodology that automatically transforms any multidimensional fuzzy set modeling a texture property to the particular perception of a new user or to the image context. For this purpose, the information given by the user, or extracted from the textures present in the image, are employed

    An adaptive fuzzy approach for modelling visual texture properties

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    The analysis of the perceptual properties of texture plays a fundamental role in tasks like semantic description of images, content-based image retrieval using linguistic queries, or expert systems design based on low level visual features. The presence of these properties in images is very difficult to characterize due to their imprecision, and, moreover, because their perception may change depending on the user or the image context. In this paper, texture properties are modeled by means of an adaptive fuzzy approach that takes into account the subjectivity of the human perception. For this purpose, a methodology in two phases has been proposed. First, non-adaptive fuzzy models, that represent the average human perception about the presence of the texture properties, are obtained. For this modeling, we propose to learn a relationship between representative measures of the properties and the assessments given by human subjects. In a second phase, the obtained fuzzy sets are adapted in order to model the particular perception of the properties that a user may have, as well as the changes in perception influenced by the image context. For this purpose, the membership functions are automatically transformed on the basic of the information given by the user or extracted from the image context, respectively

    Valoración de la fuerza útil en tenis

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    Introducción: Hemos diseñado un test para la valoración de la fuerza útil de la derecha de tenis utilizando el ergodinamómetro Atlas. Objetivo: Valoración de la fuerza útil en tenistas. Método: Realización de 10 golpeos de derecha consecutivos (previo calentamiento) de 8 tenistas (6 varones y 2 mujeres). Resultados: El valor medio del tiempo de aceleración es 0,20 ± 0,01 s, la fuerza máxima es de 63,79 ± 9,79 Newtons (N), la hipotenusa ascendente es de 67,45 ± 9,02 N/s, el ángulo alfa es de 70,04 ± 4,04°, el ángulo beta de 19,88 ± 4,07°, y la fuerza explosiva tiene un valor de 304,08 ± 57,66 N/s. También hay diferencias en función del sexo; si observamos el tiempo de aceleración, para los varones es de 0,20 ± 0,008 s, mientras que para las mujeres es de 0,22 ± 0,02 s. La fuerza máxima media para los varones es de 68,23 ± 6,06 N, mientras que para las mujeres es de 50,38 ± 2,80 N. La hipotenusa ascendente es de 72,22 ± 6,10 N/s para los varones y de 55,32 ± 3,57 N/s para las mujeres. El ángulo alfa es de 71,63 ± 3,28° para los varones y de 65,28 ± 0,50° para las mujeres. El ángulo beta es de 18,27 ± 3,27° para los varones y de 24,71 ± 0,50° para las mujeres. Los varones obtienen valores de fuerza explosiva que oscilan entre los 356 y los 280 N/s, con un valor medio de 331,1 ± 33,91 N/s, mientras que en las mujeres los valores oscilan entre 227,1 y los 219 N/s, con un valor medio de 223,1 ± 5,65 N/s. Conclusión: El test del ergodinamómetro para el atlas resulta útil para la valoración de la fuerza en tenistas

    Segmenting colour images on the basis of a fuzzy hierarchical approach

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    In this paper we deal with two problems related to imprecision in colour image segmentation processes: to decide whether a set of pixels verify the property "to be homogeneously coloured", and to represent the set of possible segmentations of an image at different precision levels. In order to solve the first problem we introduce a measure of distance between colours in the CIE L*a*b* space, that allows us to measure the degree of homogeneity of two pixels p and q on the basis of the maximum distance between the colours of consecutive pairs of pixels in any path linking p and q . Since homogeneity is a matter of degree, we define a (fuzzy) segmentation of an image as a set of fuzzy regions, each of them being a fuzzy subset of pixels, that we obtain by using a region growing technique. The membership degree of each pixel to each region is calculated on the basis of our homogeneity measure. The second problem is solved by introducing a fuzzy similarity relation between the fuzzy regions in this initial segmentation. The different α-cuts of the similarity relation define the set of precision levels, from which a nested hierarchy of fuzzy segmentations is finally obtained

    This Is My Baby Interview: An Adaptation to the Spanish Language and Culture

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    Evaluating the emotional state of parents is important for determining the intervention in the context of a family with a baby with Down syndrome. “This is my baby” is an interview that measures the acceptance, commitment and awareness of influence of parents towards their baby. The Spanish adaptation of this instrument helps to better understand the emotional state of parents of children with developmental disorders. A cross-cultural adaptation and reliability analysis was carried out. The results suggest that the Spanish version of the This Is My Baby interview is a reliable instrument to measure the levels of acceptance, commitment and awareness of influence of parents of an infant with Down syndrome

    Perception-based fuzzy partitions for visual texture modelling

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    Visual textures in images are usually described by humans using linguistic terms related to their perceptual properties, like “very coarse”, “low directional”, or “high contrasted”. Computational models with the ability of providing a perceptual texture characterization on the basis of these terms can be very useful in tasks like semantic description of images, content-based image retrieval using linguistic queries, or expert systems design based on low level visual features. In this paper, we address the problem of simulating the human perception of texture, obtaining linguistic labels to describe it in natural language. For this modeling, fuzzy partitions defined on the domain of some of the most representative measures of each property are employed. In order to define the fuzzy partitions, the number of linguistic labels and the parameters of the membership functions are calculated taking into account the relationship between the computational values given by the measures and the human perception of the corresponding property. The performance of each fuzzy partition is analyzed and tested using the human assessments, and a ranking of measures is obtained according to their ability to represent the perception of the property, allowing to identify the most suitable measure

    Prevalence of vertebral fracture and densitometric osteoporosis in Spanish adult men: The Camargo Cohort Study

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    The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of densitometric osteoporosis and vertebral fractures in Spanish men aged ?50 years, and to study how the relationship between them may change depending on how osteoporosis is diagnosed. A community-based population of 1003 men aged ?50 years was studied. Bone mineral density (BMD) was measured by DXA at the lumbar spine, femoral neck and total hip. Vertebral fractures were assessed by lateral thoracic and lumbar spine radiographs. The prevalence of osteoporosis was estimated with both the World Health Organization (WHO) (T-score of 70 years with the WHO criterion, and showed no change using the NOF definition. The prevalence of osteoporosis in Spanish men using the WHO definition is too small to have any meaningful clinical use. Although the figure is higher using the NOF definition, it would seem that population-based studies of BMD in men are of questionable value.Funded by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI15/00521), and the National Network for Aging Studies (RETICEF, Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa en Envejecimiento y Fragilidad) (RD12/0043/0009), that included FEDER funds from the EU, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain

    Implementación de una actividad física en residentes de pediatría y síndrome de Burnout

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    Introducción: La residencia es un periodo en la formación del médico muy diferente a lo aprendido en la universidad. Objetivo: evaluar el efecto de la actividad física en residentes de pediatría, sobre el Síndrome de Burnout. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio de intervención no aleatorizado controlado. Los residentes de Pediatría fueron asignados a recibir clases de Zumba 2 horas semanales por 10 semanas (grupo estudio) o ninguna intervención (grupo control). Se midió el Síndrome de Burnout utilizando el cuestionario Maslach Burnout Inventory pre y post intervención en ambos grupos. Otras variables estudiadas fueron: edad, género, actividad física y social, estructura familiar y años de residencia. Los datos fueron analizados con SPSS. Se consideró un error alfa inferior al 5%. El protocolo fue aprobado por el comité de ética del hospital, con consentimiento de los participantes. Resultados: Participaron 47 residentes, 23 en el grupo estudio y 24 en el grupo control. El Síndrome de Burnout pre- intervención fue 52,2 % y 37,5 % en el grupo estudio y el grupo control respectivamente p=0,31. Después de la intervención fue de 17,4 % y 45,8% en el grupo estudio y control respectivamente. OR: 0,25 (IC95% 0,65 -0,9) p=0,03. El beneficio absoluto fue del 35% y el número necesario para tratar 2,8. Conclusiones: El ejercicio físico 2 horas semanales mitigo el síndrome de burnout en residentes de Pediatría, con un beneficio absoluto del 35%. Conflicto de interés: Los autores declaran no poseer conflicto de interés Recibido: 05/01/2021 Aceptado:12/02/202

    Experiencia docente en el desarrollo de competencias transversales como metodología de aprendizaje y evaluación

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    [SPA]En este trabajo se presenta una experiencia docente enfocada desde la óptica del EEES y conducente a la obtención de competencias transversales. La experiencia docente resume el desarrollo y evaluación de varias competencias transversales en el ámbito de la asignatura Interfaces y Periféricos de la Universidad de Córdoba. La metodología se centra en la construcción de una tarjeta de sonido USB y la programación del funcionamiento de ésta, sirviendo como base para desarrollar/evaluar varias competencias transversales. La evaluación de las competencias se realizará mediante una ficha que contempla distintos indicadores para cada competencia. Finalmente se analizarán los resultados y se proyectarán varias conclusiones de esta experiencia. [ENG]This paper presents an educational experience focused on the perspective of the EEES and conducive to the achievement of transversal competences. Teaching experience summarizes the development and evaluation of several transversal competences in the Interfaces and Peripherals subject, field of University of Córdoba. The methodology focuses on building a USB sound card and its programming operation, serving as a basis for developing / evaluating several transversal competences. The competence assessment will be made by a worksheet that provides different indicators for each competence. Finally we analyze the results and show some conclusions from this experience.Campus Mare Nostrum, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Universidad de Murcia, Región de Murci